CAD .NET package contains the following demo applications:

Add Entities

This demo shows how to add new entities to the drawing or how to create new drawings. These entities can also be saved to DXF, so this is the main demo for creating DXF and other CAD files. For export to DXF please also refer to the demo MetafileExport.


The demo explains how to use CAD .NET for ASP.NET sites. Please refer to Web CAD SDK and for other CADSoftTools CAD SDKs for ASP.NET and html/javascript.


The demo shows how to use CAD .NET Editor Control.


The demo stores CAD Editor with possibilities to select entities, move, change properties, add, delete and others.

Getting Started

The demo is created with idea of HOW TO model. Each button refers to small number of code lines in one function, so it is easy to copy and paste it to another application.


The demo explains how to access the drawing database. For instance, if you need to get all the entities with their properties please use this example.


The demo gives an automatic way to create DXF /CGM / PLT and other CAD files. It is possible to "draw to DXF" like to "draw on canvas", metafile is used as temprorary format for this.


The demo shows how to convert drawing entities to polylines and access polylines data.


The demo shows basic viewer features: open, zoom, pan, change layers, print, save to raster, etc.


The demo describes how to use CAD .NET in WPF.