CAD .NET is a pack of several powerful classes that can be used in
applications providing the possibility to read, edit and write CAD files.
CAD .NET provides API for reading AutoCAD™ DWG/DXF, HPGL/HPGL2 Hewlett Packard, Gerber, GDS and CGM file formats and writing DXF in your applications. CADConverter is the base class of CAD .NET. It provides the list of the CADEntity class based entities, loaded from DXF/DWG/HPGL/HPGL2/CGM file.
You can use AutoCAD™ drawings in your application, preview and import to your file format. CADConverter is a representation of the CAD files in the memory consists the standard TABLES, BLOCKS, ENTITIES sections, each of it has a list of visual primitives (BLOCKS, ENTITIES) or (TABLES).
CAD files can be displayed, printed, saved to BMP, EMF, JPEG, TIFF, GIF and other formats.