Working with Layouts

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Working with Layouts

CAD Files support working with additional sheets, which are stored in the drawing file itself. CADEditorX allows to open and view multi-sheet files in Hewlett-Packard HPGL and TIFF formats.

When a multi-sheet file is loaded a list of the additional sheets of the drawing is displayed in the bottom part of the program's working space. Switching between them is fulfilled with the left mouse click on the file's name. To see the full list of layouts of the current drawing click on the down directed arrow which is situated to the right.


The sheet Model is used for viewing and creating drawings. A model can be viewed with different display modes. When 3DS, ASE, B3D, BSP, GLA, GLM, GLSM, GLX, GTS, IGES, IGS, LMTS, LWO, MD2, MD3, MD5anim, MD5mesh, MDC, NMF, NURBS, OBJ, OBJF, OCT, PLY, PRJ, Q3BSP, SMD, STEP, STL, STP, TIN, VRML, WRL files are opened the program automatically switches to the 3D display mode. Viewing one-sheet files is performed in the model area by default. The Model sheet has a limitless area of drawing where it is recommended to draw in the scale "1:1". The Model sheet can't be deleted and renamed.

The Layout sheet also has a limitless area of drawing. Additional sheets are used to prepare the drawing for printing. In the area of the sheet the command "Viewport" becomes active. With the help of this command views of the model of the drawing or its part in different scales are added. It is impossible to view a 3D model in different modes on additional sheets.

By default a new drawing contains one sheet Model. The user can add, delete and rename additional sheets. By right clicking in the area of the sheets position calls a contextual menu with commands:

New. Creates an additional sheet, which has one viewport by default. The sheet gets the name Layout with a number.

Delete. Deletes the active sheet. The sheet Model can't be deleted.

Rename. Calls the dialog box Rename. The sheet Model can't be renamed. Additional sheets can't have identical names.

Edit plot settings. The command calls the dialog box Plot settings where plot settings for the current layout are specified. The specified parameters are saved to DWG and DXF files.

Copy. Creates the layout copy saving settings and contents of the layout.

The name of a sheet can contain up to 255 symbols and can include letters, numbers, hyphens, spaces, break characters and dollar signs ($). It isn't allowed to use the symbols <>/":\?*.,=|' in the name of the sheet.



Adding, renaming and deleting additional sheets


1. Right click in the area of sheets position.

2. In the contextual menu choose the command New. A new sheet will be added at the end of the sheets list.

3. Right click on the name of the added sheet and select Rename in the contextual menu.

4. In the dialog box "Rename" enter a new name of the sheet, for example "Facade".

5. Press OK.

6. Right click on the name of the sheet ans select Delete in the contextual menu.

7. To confirm the deletion press Yes.


3D View

The Instrument ViewPort

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