CAD XML API Reference

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CAD XML API Reference

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CADSoftTools XML Reference

CADSoftTools XML Reference


Instructions Instruction Parameters Classes Classes Parameters Types
add Angle cst3dFace ACADVer Undefined
apply AskOnDelete cst3dFace Align Boolean
delete Author cstAcadTable AlphaBlend Byte
get base64 cstAcadTableStyle Angle Word
getbox BitPerPixel cstAppID AngleFromXY Integer
GetExternalFiles Bottom cstArc AngleInXY Int64
getimage Box cstAttdef AngularPrecision Color
GetSaveHandles CADArea cstAttrib AngularTolerance Handle
getselected Calcs cstBlock Application Single
GlobalVariable Caption cstBlockRecord ArcDefPoint Double
Help caption cstBlockRecords Area Pointer
load Changed cstBody AreaOOC String
Registration Color cstCircle Arrowhead Point
save Compression cstClipInsert ArrowSize F2DPoint
select Created cstConverter ArrowType FPoint
unselect CustomDraw cstCurvePolygon Attmode Rect
DPUX cstCustomVertex Attribs F2DRect
DPUY cstDictionary AttValue FRect
Drawing cstDimension AxisX Version
DrawingData cstDimensionStyle AxisX2D ColorCAD
EMail cstDWGPolyline AxisY EntHandle
Enabled cstEllipse AxisY2D EntName
Errors cstEntity AxisZ List
Event cstEntitySample BackClipPlane ListItem
ExportParams cstField BackgroundColor StringInternal
ExternalFile cstFieldList BackgroundFlags Base64
File cstFill BasePoint Singles
Format cstFlatHatch BigFont FPoints2DOr3D
Guid cstFlatPoly BlockName Procedure
Handle cstFlatPoly3D BLOCKS Parameters
HatchName cstGradientPolygon Boundaries Guid
Height cstGroup Boundary Class
Index csthArc BoundaryPolyline Class
Instruction cstHatch BoundaryPolylines
IsConvertImageToOLE csthBoundaryList Box
Item csthCurve Box3D
Items cstHelix Bulge
Key csthLine Calc
LayoutExportMode csthPoints CanShow
LayoutNameExportMode csthPolyline CEColor
Left cstImageDef CELTScale
LineWeight cstImageEnt CELType
Marker cstInsert CELWeight
MeasureInPixels cstInsertXRef CenterMass
Mode cstLayer CenterPoint
Mode cstLayout CenterPoint2D
Mode cstLeader CircleLength
Mode cstLine CircleZoomPercent
Output cstLineType CLayer
PageHeight cstLWPolyline ClippingBoundaryHandle
PageWidth cstMInsert ClipRect
Parameters cstMLine Clockwise
PathName cstMLineEntry Closed
PathToXMLExamples cstMLineStyle Code
PatternScale cstMPolygon CodePage
Point cstMText Color
Proportional cstObjectEntity ColorVector
Quality cstOle2Frame ColSpacing
ReadOnly cstOwneredItem ColumnCount
Rect cstPenEntity ControlPoints
Registration cstPenLine CosAngle
Result cstPenTableItem Count
Right cstPlotSettings CountU
Selected cstPoint CountV
SelectedCount cstPolyline CustomColor
ShowEntityMethod cstPolyPolygon Dash
ShowEntityPrecision cstProxy Data
Text cstRasterVariables Deflection
Top cstRay DefPoint
Transparent cstRegion Degree
Updated cstSection DegreeU
User cstSectionBlocks DegreeV
Version cstSectionEntities DeltaX
Visible cstSectionHeader DeltaY
VisibleArea cstSectionObjects DeltaZ
Width cstSectionTables Description
cstShape DictValue
cstSolid DimADEC
cstSortEntsTable DimAlt
cstSpline DimALTD
cstStyle DimAltF
cstTable DimALTTD
cstText DimALTTZ
cstTolerance DimALTU
cstTrace DimALTZ
cstVertex DimAPost
cstViewport DimAssoc
cstViewport DimAsz
cstVport DimATFIT
cstVport DimAUNIT
cstWipeout DimAZIN
cstWipeoutVariables DimBlk
cstXline DimBlk1
cstXref DimBlk2



The ADD instruction adds entities and Drawing Structure Data to the current drawing.


<add DrawingData ="List" />
add parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
DrawingData List Drawing data structure

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command

Output field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Created ListItem Created
Updated ListItem Updated

Created parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Handle EntHandle Handle can be given directly via $ or indirectly via @ attributes, it also accepts a list of handles divided by the ";" sign. For example: Handle="$24", Handle="@1", Handle="@;$27;$28"

Updated parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Handle EntHandle Handle can be given directly via $ or indirectly via @ attributes, it also accepts a list of handles divided by the ";" sign. For example: Handle="$24", Handle="@1", Handle="@;$27;$28"


The APPLY instruction assigns new values to the entity attributes. The entity must be selected beforhand by using the Select Instruction, by mouse, etc.


<apply Parameters ="String" />
apply parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Parameters String Any object's attribute that has no read-only modifiers can be used as a parameter

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command


The DELETE instruction deletes the selected entities.

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command


The GET instruction returns properties of an entity specified by handle or the structure of the drawing if no parameters are given.


<get Handle ="EntHandle" PathName ="String" />
get parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Handle EntHandle Handle can be given directly via $ or indirectly via @ attributes, it also accepts a list of handles divided by the ";" sign. For example: Handle="$24", Handle="@1", Handle="@;$27;$28"
PathName String A set of symbols showing the location of the named sections or objects in the Converter name space (which is similar to the DXF structure). As a separator the sign ";" is used.

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command

Output field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
DrawingData List Drawing data structure


Returns the 3D box that encloses the selected entities.


<getbox Handle ="EntHandle" PathName ="String" />
getbox parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Handle EntHandle Handle can be given directly via $ or indirectly via @ attributes, it also accepts a list of handles divided by the ";" sign. For example: Handle="$24", Handle="@1", Handle="@;$27;$28"
PathName String A set of symbols showing the location of the named sections or objects in the Converter name space (which is similar to the DXF structure). As a separator the sign ";" is used.

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command

Output parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Box FRect Box


Returns a list of referenced files with paths.

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command

Output field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
ExternalFile ListItem External file item

ExternalFile parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
File String Path to the file


Returns am image of the current view in Base64 encoding.


<getimage Top ="Integer" Left ="Integer" Right ="Integer" Bottom ="Integer" Width ="Integer" Height ="Integer" />
getimage parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Top Integer Top
Left Integer Left
Right Integer Right
Bottom Integer Bottom
Width Integer Width
Height Integer Height

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command

Output field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
base64 Base64 Picture in Base64 encoding.


Get Saved handles

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command


The GETSELECTED Instruction returns the handles of the selected entities.

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command

Output parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
SelectedCount Integer The number of the selected entities

Output field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Selected ListItem Stores handles of the selected entities

Selected parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Handle EntHandle Handle can be given directly via $ or indirectly via @ attributes, it also accepts a list of handles divided by the ";" sign. For example: Handle="$24", Handle="@1", Handle="@;$27;$28"


Get global variable

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command


Creates CAD XML API help in html format


<Help Text ="String" File ="String" PathToXMLExamples ="String" />
Help parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Text String Text for the console command line, help, etc.
File String Path to the file
PathToXMLExamples String The path to the parent XML examples directory for using them in the HTML Help.

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command


The LOAD instruction loads a file from the HDD or from a URL.


<load File ="String" base64 ="Base64" />
load parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
File String Path to the file
base64 Base64 Picture in Base64 encoding.

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command

Output parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Guid String Drawing Guid
File String Path to the file
Index Integer Drawing Index


The REGISTRATION instruction can be used to input a license key for CADSoftTools software.


<Registration User ="String" EMail ="String" Key ="String" />
Registration parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
User String User
EMail String EMail
Key String Key

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command

Output parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Registration Integer Registration


Saves the current drawing. The ExportParams attribute must be defined.
save field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
ExportParams List ExportParams is a child attribute of the SAVE instruction.

ExportParams field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Width Integer Width
Height Integer Height
Proportional Boolean
BitPerPixel Byte
MeasureInPixels Boolean
Transparent Boolean Sets transparency for GIF
Compression String Compression for raster: LZW, Deflate, JPEG, CCITT3, CCITT4, CCITT6, Rle, Auto, None
PageHeight Integer Page Height
Author String Author
LayoutExportMode Byte Selects layouts to be exported: 0: Model; 1: AllLayouts; 2:LayoutByName; 3:AllPaperSpaces; 4:CurrentLayout.
LayoutNameExportMode String Layout name, used if layouts export mode is "LayoutByName."
Version String DWG or DXF version. For instance: acR2004, acR2000.
IsConvertImageToOLE Boolean Converts external images to OLE in DWG/DXF export.

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command


The SELECT Instruction selects entity(ies) by its(their) handle(s)


<select Handle ="EntHandle" Marker ="Boolean" PathName ="String" Mode ="Integer" />
select parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Handle EntHandle Handle can be given directly via $ or indirectly via @ attributes, it also accepts a list of handles divided by the ";" sign. For example: Handle="$24", Handle="@1", Handle="@;$27;$28"
Marker Boolean Shows (True) or does not show (False) editor markers for the selected entity.
PathName String A set of symbols showing the location of the named sections or objects in the Converter name space (which is similar to the DXF structure). As a separator the sign ";" is used.
Mode Integer 0 - set, 1 - remove, 2 - add. default value = 0

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command


The UNSELECT instruction unselects entities which are specified by Handles.


<unselect Marker ="Boolean" Handle ="EntHandle" PathName ="String" />
unselect parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Marker Boolean Shows (True) or does not show (False) editor markers for the selected entity.
Handle EntHandle Handle can be given directly via $ or indirectly via @ attributes, it also accepts a list of handles divided by the ";" sign. For example: Handle="$24", Handle="@1", Handle="@;$27;$28"
PathName String A set of symbols showing the location of the named sections or objects in the Converter name space (which is similar to the DXF structure). As a separator the sign ";" is used.

The returned value has the following structure:
Result parameters are:
Parameter Type Description
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for

Result field accepts the following child:
Parameter Type Description
Output List Contains the result of the command
Errors List Contains the errors of the command

Instruction Parameters

Parameter Type Description
Angle Double Angle
AskOnDelete Boolean If true, the library asks before deleting entities, whose handles are specified in the CUSTOMSELECTMODE parameters
Author String Author
base64 Base64 Picture in Base64 encoding.
BitPerPixel Byte
Bottom Integer Bottom
Box FRect Box
CADArea ListItem CADArea item
Calcs List Accepts Calc child nodes.
Caption String Caption of button
caption String Caption of a menu item
Changed Boolean CHANGED returns True if any changes were implemented in a Drawing.
Color ColorCAD Color CAD
Compression String Compression for raster: LZW, Deflate, JPEG, CCITT3, CCITT4, CCITT6, Rle, Auto, None
Created ListItem Created
CustomDraw Boolean The selected entities are drawn with custom color and lineweight
Drawing ListItem Drawing item
DrawingData List Drawing data structure
EMail String EMail
Enabled Boolean Enabled (True) or Disabled (False)
Errors List Contains the errors of the command
Event String The accepted event names are: "OnSelectEntity" , "OnMouseDown" , OnConfirmEntitiesDeletion.
ExportParams List ExportParams is a child attribute of the SAVE instruction.
ExternalFile ListItem External file item
File String Path to the file
Format String Output file format
Guid String Drawing Guid
Handle EntHandle Handle can be given directly via $ or indirectly via @ attributes, it also accepts a list of handles divided by the ";" sign. For example: Handle="$24", Handle="@1", Handle="@;$27;$28"
HatchName String Hatch name
Height Integer Height
Index Integer Drawing Index
Instruction String The name of the command which the result is for
IsConvertImageToOLE Boolean Converts external images to OLE in DWG/DXF export.
Item ListItem Creates a context menu item with the caption from parameter "caption". This caption is returned as result data when the item is clicked.
Items List Accepts Item child nodes.
Key String Key
LayoutExportMode Byte Selects layouts to be exported: 0: Model; 1: AllLayouts; 2:LayoutByName; 3:AllPaperSpaces; 4:CurrentLayout.
LayoutNameExportMode String Layout name, used if layouts export mode is "LayoutByName."
Left Integer Left
LineWeight Double Line weight
Marker Boolean Shows (True) or does not show (False) editor markers for the selected entity.
MeasureInPixels Boolean
Mode Integer Context menu mode: 0: replace, 1: add to bottom, 2: add to top
Mode Integer 0 - set, 1 - remove, 2 - add. default value = 0
Mode Integer Full drawing mode
Mode Integer 0 - by guid, 1 - current drawing, 2 - all drawings
Output List Contains the result of the command
PageHeight Integer Page Height
PageWidth Integer Page Width
Parameters String Any object's attribute that has no read-only modifiers can be used as a parameter
PathName String A set of symbols showing the location of the named sections or objects in the Converter name space (which is similar to the DXF structure). As a separator the sign ";" is used.
PathToXMLExamples String The path to the parent XML examples directory for using them in the HTML Help.
PatternScale Double Pattern scale
Point FPoints2DOr3D points for conversion to cad coordinate system
Proportional Boolean
Quality Double
ReadOnly Boolean Read-only status
Rect FRect Rect
Registration Integer Registration
Result List Result data.
Right Integer Right
Selected ListItem Stores handles of the selected entities
SelectedCount Integer The number of the selected entities
ShowEntityMethod Byte Property of the ShowSelectEntities instruction, the type of the precision calculation. Possible parameters are (0: Proportional, 1: Absolute, 2: FitToSize)
ShowEntityPrecision Double Property of the ShowSelectEntities instruction, a value of the precision calculation.
Text String Text for the console command line, help, etc.
Top Integer Top
Transparent Boolean Sets transparency for GIF
Updated ListItem Updated
User String User
Version String DWG or DXF version. For instance: acR2004, acR2000.
Visible Boolean Visible
VisibleArea ListItem VisibleArea item
Width Integer Width



Represents a 3dFace in a Drawing Database.


<cst3dFace LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" Point1 ="FPoint" Point2 ="FPoint" Point3 ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Point1 FPoint 3D point defining entity
Point2 FPoint 3D point defining entity
Point3 FPoint 3D point defining entity


Represents a 3dFace in a Drawing Database.


<cst3dFace LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" Point1 ="FPoint" Point2 ="FPoint" Point3 ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Point1 FPoint 3D point defining entity
Point2 FPoint 3D point defining entity
Point3 FPoint 3D point defining entity


Represents an AcadTable in a Drawing Database.


<cstAcadTable LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" BlockName ="EntName" Extrusion ="FPoint" Angle ="Double" PScale ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
BlockName EntName Name of a Block
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Angle Double Angle value
PScale FPoint Scale factor


Represents an AcadTableStyle in a Drawing Database.


<cstAcadTableStyle LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents an AppID in a Drawing Database.


<cstAppID LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents an Arc in a Drawing Database.


<cstArc LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" PointsCount ="Integer" Radius ="Double" Length ="Double" Area ="Double" Height ="Double" EndAngle ="Double" StartAngle ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
PointsCount Integer Points count
Radius Double Radius value
Length Double Length value
Area Double Area value
Height Double Height value
EndAngle Double End angle value
StartAngle Double Start angle value


Represents an Attdef in a Drawing Database.


<cstAttdef LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Height ="Double" Rotation ="Double" WidthFactor ="Double" ObliqueAngle ="Double" Point1 ="FPoint" HAlign ="Undefined" VAlign ="Undefined" StyleName ="String" Tag ="String" AttValue ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Height Double Height value
Rotation Double Rotation angle
WidthFactor Double Width factor for Style
ObliqueAngle Double Oblique angle
Point1 FPoint 3D point defining entity
HAlign Undefined HAlign
VAlign Undefined VAlign
StyleName String Name of a Style
Tag String Attribute or attribute definition tag string
AttValue String Attribute or attribute definition value string


Represents an Attrib in a Drawing Database.


<cstAttrib LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Height ="Double" Rotation ="Double" WidthFactor ="Double" ObliqueAngle ="Double" Point1 ="FPoint" HAlign ="Undefined" VAlign ="Undefined" StyleName ="String" Tag ="String" AttValue ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Height Double Height value
Rotation Double Rotation angle
WidthFactor Double Width factor for Style
ObliqueAngle Double Oblique angle
Point1 FPoint 3D point defining entity
HAlign Undefined HAlign
VAlign Undefined VAlign
StyleName String Name of a Style
Tag String Attribute or attribute definition tag string
AttValue String Attribute or attribute definition value string


Represents a Block in a Drawing Database.


<cstBlock LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Name ="String" BasePoint ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Name String Name string value
BasePoint FPoint Base 3D point


Represents a BlockRecord in a Drawing Database.


<cstBlockRecord LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a BlockRecords in a Drawing Database.


<cstBlockRecords LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a Body in a Drawing Database.


<cstBody LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point


Represents a Circle in a Drawing Database.


<cstCircle LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" PointsCount ="Integer" Radius ="Double" Length ="Double" Area ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
PointsCount Integer Points count
Radius Double Radius value
Length Double Length value
Area Double Area value


Represents a ClipInsert in a Drawing Database.


<cstClipInsert LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" BlockName ="EntName" Extrusion ="FPoint" Angle ="Double" PScale ="FPoint" ClipRect ="FRect" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
BlockName EntName Name of a Block
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Angle Double Angle value
PScale FPoint Scale factor
ClipRect FRect Entity clip rect


Represents a CurvePolygon in a Drawing Database.


<cstCurvePolygon LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" HatchName ="String" SolidFill ="Boolean" Elevation ="FPoint" Extrusion ="FPoint" Offset ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
HatchName String Name of a Hatch pattern
SolidFill Boolean Specifies if a Hatch have solid filling
Elevation FPoint Elevation value
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Offset FPoint 3D offset point

cstCurvePolygon accepts the following child atributes:
Parameter Type Description
BoundaryPolylines List List of polylines generated by boundaries of a Hatch
Boundaries List List of boundaries of a Hatch


Represents a CustomVertex in a Drawing Database.


<cstCustomVertex LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity


Represents a Dictionary in a Drawing Database.


<cstDictionary LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a Dimension in a Drawing Database.


<cstDimension LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" BlockName ="EntName" Extrusion ="FPoint" DimStyle ="String" DefPoint ="FPoint" LinDefPoint1 ="FPoint" LinDefPoint2 ="FPoint" MiddlePoint ="FPoint" ArcDefPoint ="FPoint" RadDefPoint ="FPoint" ArrowType ="Byte" ArrowSize ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
BlockName EntName Name of a Block
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
DimStyle String Header variable. Dimension style name
DefPoint FPoint Definition point for Dimension
LinDefPoint1 FPoint Start point of the first extension line for Dimension
LinDefPoint2 FPoint Start point of the second extension line for Dimension
MiddlePoint FPoint Middle point of dimension text for Dimension
ArcDefPoint FPoint Point defining dimension arc for angular Dimension
RadDefPoint FPoint Definition point for diameter, radius, and angular Dimensions
ArrowType Byte Arrow type for entities
ArrowSize Double Dimensioning arrow size

cstDimension accepts the following child atributes:
Parameter Type Description
Properties List Dimension style properties


Represents a DimensionStyle in a Drawing Database.


<cstDimensionStyle LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" DimBlk ="EntName" DimBlk1 ="EntName" DimBlk2 ="EntName" DimRBlk ="EntName" DimAlt ="Boolean" DimAltF ="Double" DimAPost ="String" DimAsz ="Double" DimSah ="Boolean" DimCen ="Double" DimClrD ="ColorCAD" DimClrE ="ColorCAD" DimClrT ="ColorCAD" DimSD1 ="Boolean" DimSD2 ="Boolean" DimSE1 ="Boolean" DimSE2 ="Boolean" DimDec ="Integer" DimExe ="Double" DimExo ="Double" DimGap ="Double" DimLFac ="Double" DimLwD ="Double" DimLwE ="Double" DimPost ="String" DimScale ="Double" DimTad ="Integer" DimZIN ="Integer" DimTih ="Boolean" DimTix ="Integer" DimToh ="Boolean" DimTxt ="Double" DimTp ="Double" DimTm ="Double" DimLUnit ="Double" DimDSep ="Double" DimFrac ="Integer" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value
DimBlk EntName Arrow block name
DimBlk1 EntName First arrow block name
DimBlk2 EntName Second arrow block name
DimRBlk EntName Arrow block name for leaders
DimAlt Boolean Alternate unit dimensioning performed if nonzero
DimAltF Double Alternate unit scale factor
DimAPost String Alternate dimensioning suffix
DimAsz Double Dimensioning arrow size
DimSah Boolean Use separate arrow blocks if nonzero
DimCen Double Size of center mark/lines
DimClrD ColorCAD Dimension line color
DimClrE ColorCAD Dimension extension line color
DimClrT ColorCAD Dimension text color
DimSD1 Boolean Suppression of first extension line
DimSD2 Boolean Suppression of second extension line
DimSE1 Boolean First extension line suppressed if nonzero
DimSE2 Boolean Second extension line suppressed if nonzero
DimDec Integer Number of decimal places for the tolerance values of aprimary units dimension
DimExe Double Extension line extension
DimExo Double Extension line offset
DimGap Double Dimension line gap
DimLFac Double Linear measurements scale factor
DimLwD Double Dimension line lineweight
DimLwE Double Extension line lineweight
DimPost String General dimensioning suffix
DimScale Double Overall dimensioning scale factor
DimTad Integer Text above dimension line if nonzero
DimZIN Integer Controls the suppression of zeros in the primary unit value.
DimTih Boolean Text inside horizontal if nonzero
DimTix Integer Force text inside extensions if nonzero
DimToh Boolean Text outside horizontal if nonzero
DimTxt Double Dimensioning text height
DimTp Double Dimensioning plus tolerance
DimTm Double Dimensioning minus tolerance
DimLUnit Double Sets units for all dimension types except Angular: 1 = Scientific; 2 = Decimal; 3 = Engineering; 4 = Architectural; 5 = Fractional; 6 = Windows desktop
DimDSep Double Single-character decimal separator used when creating dimensions whose unit format is decimale
DimFrac Integer Sets the fraction format when the DimLUnit system variable is specified as 4 (Architectural) or 5 (Fractional): 0 = Horizontal stacking; 1 = Diagonal stacking; 2 = Not stacked


Represents a DWGPolyline in a Drawing Database.


<cstDWGPolyline LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" PointsCount ="Integer" Elevation ="FPoint" GlobalWidth ="Double" Length ="Double" Area ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
PointsCount Integer Points count
Elevation FPoint Elevation value
GlobalWidth Double Global width value
Length Double Length value
Area Double Area value


Represents an Ellipse in a Drawing Database.


<cstEllipse Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" PointsCount ="Integer" EndAngle ="Double" StartAngle ="Double" RadPt ="FPoint" Ratio ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
PointsCount Integer Points count
EndAngle Double End angle value
StartAngle Double Start angle value
RadPt FPoint End point of the major axis relative to the Center point for Ellipse
Ratio Double Ratio of minor axis to major axis for elliptic entities or a two values ratio


Represents an Entity in a Drawing Database.


<cstEntity LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType


Represents an EntitySample in a Drawing Database.


<cstEntitySample LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" LineTypeScale ="Double" Layer ="EntName" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Layer EntName Name of a Layer


Represents a Field in a Drawing Database.


<cstField LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a FieldList in a Drawing Database.


<cstFieldList LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a Fill in a Drawing Database.


<cstFill LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" HatchName ="String" SolidFill ="Boolean" Elevation ="FPoint" Extrusion ="FPoint" Offset ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
HatchName String Name of a Hatch pattern
SolidFill Boolean Specifies if a Hatch have solid filling
Elevation FPoint Elevation value
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Offset FPoint 3D offset point

cstFill accepts the following child atributes:
Parameter Type Description
BoundaryPolylines List List of polylines generated by boundaries of a Hatch
Boundaries List List of boundaries of a Hatch


Represents a FlatHatch in a Drawing Database.


<cstFlatHatch LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink


Represents a FlatPoly in a Drawing Database.


<cstFlatPoly LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" Count ="Integer" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
Count Integer Number of members in list


Represents a FlatPoly3D in a Drawing Database.


<cstFlatPoly3D LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" Count ="Integer" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
Count Integer Number of members in list


Represents a GradientPolygon in a Drawing Database.


<cstGradientPolygon LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" HatchName ="String" SolidFill ="Boolean" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
HatchName String Name of a Hatch pattern
SolidFill Boolean Specifies if a Hatch have solid filling

cstGradientPolygon accepts the following child atributes:
Parameter Type Description
BoundaryPolylines List List of polylines generated by boundaries of a Hatch


Represents a Group in a Drawing Database.


<cstGroup LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer


Represents a hArc in a Drawing Database.


<csthArc CenterPoint ="FPoint" EndParam ="FPoint" Radius ="Double" StartParam ="FPoint" Clockwise ="Boolean" />
Parameter Type Description
CenterPoint FPoint 3D center point
EndParam FPoint End parameter for 2D Arc and inherited curves
Radius Double Radius value
StartParam FPoint Start parameter for 2D Arc and inherited curves
Clockwise Boolean Specifies if Helix is twisted clockwise


Represents a Hatch in a Drawing Database.


<cstHatch LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" HatchName ="String" SolidFill ="Boolean" Elevation ="FPoint" Extrusion ="FPoint" Offset ="FPoint" PatternAngle ="Double" PatternScale ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
HatchName String Name of a Hatch pattern
SolidFill Boolean Specifies if a Hatch have solid filling
Elevation FPoint Elevation value
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Offset FPoint 3D offset point
PatternAngle Double Angle of lines in Hatch pattern
PatternScale Double Scale for Hatch pattern

cstHatch accepts the following child atributes:
Parameter Type Description
BoundaryPolylines List List of polylines generated by boundaries of a Hatch
Boundaries List List of boundaries of a Hatch
Patterns List List of patterns for Hatches


Represents a hBoundaryList in a Drawing Database.


<csthBoundaryList />
Parameter Type Description


Represents a hCurve in a Drawing Database.


<csthCurve />
Parameter Type Description


Represents a Helix in a Drawing Database.


<cstHelix LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" PointsCount ="Integer" Degree ="Double" StartTangentVector ="FPoint" EndTangentVector ="FPoint" Start ="FPoint" Radius ="Double" Turns ="Double" TurnHeight ="Double" Clockwise ="Boolean" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
PointsCount Integer Points count
Degree Double Degree value
StartTangentVector FPoint Start tangent direction point
EndTangentVector FPoint End tangent direction point
Start FPoint Start point for Helix
Radius Double Radius value
Turns Double Number of turns for Helix
TurnHeight Double Turn height for Helix
Clockwise Boolean Specifies if Helix is twisted clockwise

cstHelix accepts the following child atributes:
Parameter Type Description
ControlPoints FPoints2DOr3D List of Controls for spline and based entities
FitPoints FPoints2DOr3D List of Fits for spline based entities
KnotsPoints FPoints2DOr3D List of Knots for spline based entities
Weights Singles List of Weights for spline based entities


Represents a hLine in a Drawing Database.


<csthLine StartPoint ="FPoint" EndPoint ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
StartPoint FPoint Start point, can be used with 2D and 3D entities
EndPoint FPoint End point, can be used with 2D and 3D entities


Represents a hPoints in a Drawing Database.


<csthPoints />
Parameter Type Description


Represents a hPolyline in a Drawing Database.


<csthPolyline Closed ="Boolean" />
Parameter Type Description
Closed Boolean Specifies if entity is closed

csthPolyline accepts the following child atributes:
Parameter Type Description
Vertexes List List of Vertexes


Represents an ImageDef in a Drawing Database.


<cstImageDef LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" FileName ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value
FileName String File name string


Represents an ImageEnt in a Drawing Database.


<cstImageEnt LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" PointsCount ="Integer" UVector ="FPoint" VVector ="FPoint" Size ="FPoint" Width ="Double" Height ="Double" Transparency ="Boolean" TransparentColor ="Color" FileName ="String" ImageDef ="Handle" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
PointsCount Integer Points count
UVector FPoint UVector for Wipeout and inherited entities
VVector FPoint VVector for Wipeout and inherited entities
Size FPoint Size of image for Wipeout/Ole2Frame and inherited entities
Width Double Width value
Height Double Height value
Transparency Boolean Definition transparency for imageent
TransparentColor Color Definition transparent color for imageent
FileName String File name string
ImageDef Handle Handle of ImageDef object of Image entity


Represents an Insert in a Drawing Database.


<cstInsert LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" BlockName ="EntName" Extrusion ="FPoint" Angle ="Double" PScale ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
BlockName EntName Name of a Block
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Angle Double Angle value
PScale FPoint Scale factor


Represents an InsertXRef in a Drawing Database.


<cstInsertXRef LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" BlockName ="EntName" Extrusion ="FPoint" Angle ="Double" PScale ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
BlockName EntName Name of a Block
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Angle Double Angle value
PScale FPoint Scale factor


Represents a Layer in a Drawing Database.


<cstLayer LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" Color ="ColorCAD" Visible ="Boolean" Locked ="Boolean" Frozen ="Boolean" FrozenByNewViewPort ="Boolean" XrefLink ="Boolean" IsPlotting ="Boolean" Count ="Integer" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
Visible Boolean Specifies entity visibility
Locked Boolean Specifies entity editability
Frozen Boolean Specifies if Layer is frozen
FrozenByNewViewPort Boolean Specifies if Layer is frozen for new Viewports
XrefLink Boolean Specifies if entity is externally dependent on an xref
IsPlotting Boolean Specifies if this layer will be plotted
Count Integer Number of members in list


Represents a Layout in a Drawing Database.


<cstLayout LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" Count ="Integer" PaperSpaceBlock ="EntName" UCSOrigin ="FPoint" UCSXDir ="FPoint" UCSYDir ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value
Count Integer Number of members in list
PaperSpaceBlock EntName Layout name
UCSOrigin FPoint VPort UCS origin
UCSXDir FPoint Header variable. Direction of the current UCS X axis (in WCS)
UCSYDir FPoint Header variable. Direction of the current UCS Y axis (in WCS)

cstLayout accepts the following child atributes:
Parameter Type Description
SubEntities List Sub entities list


Represents a Leader in a Drawing Database.


<cstLeader LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" PointsCount ="Integer" Degree ="Double" StartTangentVector ="FPoint" EndTangentVector ="FPoint" Arrowhead ="Boolean" DimStyle ="String" LeaderPathType ="Integer" ArrowType ="Byte" DimScale ="Double" ArrowSize ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
PointsCount Integer Points count
Degree Double Degree value
StartTangentVector FPoint Start tangent direction point
EndTangentVector FPoint End tangent direction point
Arrowhead Boolean Specifies if arrowhead is present for Leader
DimStyle String Header variable. Dimension style name
LeaderPathType Integer Specifies if Leader path is spline
ArrowType Byte Arrow type for entities
DimScale Double Overall dimensioning scale factor
ArrowSize Double Dimensioning arrow size

cstLeader accepts the following child atributes:
Parameter Type Description
ControlPoints FPoints2DOr3D List of Controls for spline and based entities
FitPoints FPoints2DOr3D List of Fits for spline based entities
KnotsPoints FPoints2DOr3D List of Knots for spline based entities
Weights Singles List of Weights for spline based entities
Properties List Dimension style properties


Represents a Line in a Drawing Database.


<cstLine LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" Point1 ="FPoint" Length ="Double" Angle ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Point1 FPoint 3D point defining entity
Length Double Length value
Angle Double Angle value


Represents a LineType in a Drawing Database.


<cstLineType LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a LWPolyline in a Drawing Database.


<cstLWPolyline LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" PointsCount ="Integer" Elevation ="FPoint" GlobalWidth ="Double" Length ="Double" Area ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
PointsCount Integer Points count
Elevation FPoint Elevation value
GlobalWidth Double Global width value
Length Double Length value
Area Double Area value


Represents a MInsert in a Drawing Database.


<cstMInsert LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" BlockName ="EntName" Extrusion ="FPoint" Angle ="Double" PScale ="FPoint" ColumnCount ="Integer" RowCount ="Integer" ColSpacing ="Double" RowSpacing ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
BlockName EntName Name of a Block
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Angle Double Angle value
PScale FPoint Scale factor
ColumnCount Integer Number of columns
RowCount Integer Number of rows
ColSpacing Double Spacing for columns
RowSpacing Double Spacing for rows


Represents a MLine in a Drawing Database.


<cstMLine LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" BlockName ="EntName" Extrusion ="FPoint" Angle ="Double" PScale ="FPoint" Justify ="Integer" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
BlockName EntName Name of a Block
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Angle Double Angle value
PScale FPoint Scale factor
Justify Integer Specifies justification type


Represents a MLineEntry in a Drawing Database.


<cstMLineEntry LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType


Represents a MLineStyle in a Drawing Database.


<cstMLineStyle LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" Color ="ColorCAD" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD


Represents a MPolygon in a Drawing Database.


<cstMPolygon LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" HatchName ="String" SolidFill ="Boolean" Elevation ="FPoint" Extrusion ="FPoint" Offset ="FPoint" PatternAngle ="Double" PatternScale ="Double" FillColor ="ColorCAD" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
HatchName String Name of a Hatch pattern
SolidFill Boolean Specifies if a Hatch have solid filling
Elevation FPoint Elevation value
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Offset FPoint 3D offset point
PatternAngle Double Angle of lines in Hatch pattern
PatternScale Double Scale for Hatch pattern
FillColor ColorCAD Fill color specified with TsgColorCAD

cstMPolygon accepts the following child atributes:
Parameter Type Description
BoundaryPolylines List List of polylines generated by boundaries of a Hatch
Boundaries List List of boundaries of a Hatch
Patterns List List of patterns for Hatches


Represents a MText in a Drawing Database.


<cstMText LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" BlockName ="EntName" Extrusion ="FPoint" Angle ="Double" PScale ="FPoint" Height ="Double" StyleName ="String" BackgroundFlags ="ColorCAD" BackgroundColor ="ColorCAD" Scale ="Double" Transparency ="Boolean" RectWidth ="Double" Align ="Word" TextValue ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
BlockName EntName Name of a Block
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Angle Double Angle value
PScale FPoint Scale factor
Height Double Height value
StyleName String Name of a Style
BackgroundFlags ColorCAD Background fill setting: 0 = Background fill off, 1 = Use background fill color, 2 = Use drawing window color as background fill color
BackgroundColor ColorCAD Background color
Scale Double Scale value
Transparency Boolean Definition transparency for imageent
RectWidth Double Width of a rectangle
Align Word Align
TextValue String Text string value


Represents an ObjectEntity in a Drawing Database.


<cstObjectEntity LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer


Represents an Ole2Frame in a Drawing Database.


<cstOle2Frame LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Size ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Size FPoint Size of image for Wipeout/Ole2Frame and inherited entities


Represents an OwneredItem in a Drawing Database.


<cstOwneredItem LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a PenEntity in a Drawing Database.


<cstPenEntity LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements


Represents a PenLine in a Drawing Database.


<cstPenLine LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point


Represents a PenTableItem in a Drawing Database.


<cstPenTableItem LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a PlotSettings in a Drawing Database.


<cstPlotSettings LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" plPageSetupName ="String" plPrintOrConfigName ="String" plLayoutFlags ="Int64" plPaperUnits ="Byte" plStandardScaleType ="Byte" plNumerator ="Double" plDenominator ="Double" plPaperSizeName ="String" plViewName ="String" plPrintableMargin ="F2DRect" plPaperSize ="F2DPoint" plOrigin ="F2DPoint" plWindowAreaMin ="F2DPoint" plWindowAreaMax ="F2DPoint" plRotation ="Byte" plType ="Byte" plCurrentStyleSheet ="String" plShadeMode ="Integer" plShadeResolutionLevel ="Integer" plShadeCustomDPI ="Integer" plFloatingPointScaleFactor ="Double" plPaperImageOrigin ="F2DPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value
plPageSetupName String pl Page Setup Name
plPrintOrConfigName String pl Print Or Config Name
plLayoutFlags Int64 Flags
plPaperUnits Byte Enum
plStandardScaleType Byte pl Standard Scale Type
plNumerator Double pl Numerator
plDenominator Double pl Denominator
plPaperSizeName String pl Paper Size Name
plViewName String pl View Name
plPrintableMargin F2DRect pl Printable Margin
plPaperSize F2DPoint pl Paper Size
plOrigin F2DPoint pl Origin
plWindowAreaMin F2DPoint pl Window Area Min
plWindowAreaMax F2DPoint pl Window Area Max
plRotation Byte Enum
plType Byte Enum
plCurrentStyleSheet String pl Current Style Sheet
plShadeMode Integer pl Shade Mode
plShadeResolutionLevel Integer pl Shade Resolution Level
plShadeCustomDPI Integer pl Shade Custom DPI
plFloatingPointScaleFactor Double pl Floating Point Scale Factor
plPaperImageOrigin F2DPoint pl Paper Image Origin


Represents a Point in a Drawing Database.


<cstPoint LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point


Represents a Polyline in a Drawing Database.


<cstPolyline LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" PointsCount ="Integer" Elevation ="FPoint" GlobalWidth ="Double" Length ="Double" Area ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
PointsCount Integer Points count
Elevation FPoint Elevation value
GlobalWidth Double Global width value
Length Double Length value
Area Double Area value


Represents a PolyPolygon in a Drawing Database.


<cstPolyPolygon LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" HatchName ="String" SolidFill ="Boolean" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
HatchName String Name of a Hatch pattern
SolidFill Boolean Specifies if a Hatch have solid filling

cstPolyPolygon accepts the following child atributes:
Parameter Type Description
BoundaryPolylines List List of polylines generated by boundaries of a Hatch


Represents a Proxy in a Drawing Database.


<cstProxy LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point


Represents a RasterVariables in a Drawing Database.


<cstRasterVariables LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a Ray in a Drawing Database.


<cstRay LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" Point1 ="FPoint" Length ="Double" Angle ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Point1 FPoint 3D point defining entity
Length Double Length value
Angle Double Angle value


Represents a Region in a Drawing Database.


<cstRegion LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point


Represents a Section in a Drawing Database.


<cstSection LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a SectionBlocks in a Drawing Database.


<cstSectionBlocks LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a SectionHeader in a Drawing Database.


<cstSectionHeader Name ="String" ACADVer ="String" CodePage ="String" TextStyle ="String" CLayer ="String" CELType ="String" CEColor ="ColorCAD" CELTScale ="Double" CELWeight ="Double" DimStyle ="String" DIMTXSTY ="String" DimAssoc ="Byte" DimAlt ="Boolean" DimAltF ="Double" DimAPost ="String" DimAsz ="Double" DimSah ="Boolean" DimCen ="Double" DimClrD ="ColorCAD" DimClrE ="ColorCAD" DimClrT ="ColorCAD" DimSD1 ="Boolean" DimSD2 ="Boolean" DimSE1 ="Boolean" DimSE2 ="Boolean" DimDec ="Integer" DimExe ="Double" DimExo ="Double" DimGap ="Double" DimLFac ="Double" DimLwD ="Double" DimLwE ="Double" DimPost ="String" DimScale ="Double" DimTad ="Integer" DimZIN ="Integer" DimTih ="Boolean" DimTix ="Integer" DimToh ="Boolean" DimTxt ="Double" DimTp ="Double" DimTm ="Double" DimLUnit ="Double" DimDSep ="Double" DimFrac ="Integer" EXTMIN ="FPoint" EXTMAX ="FPoint" FILLETRAD ="Double" FILLMODE ="Boolean" LWDISPLAY ="Boolean" InsUnits ="Integer" LTScale ="Double" Measurement ="Integer" PDMODE ="Integer" PDSIZE ="Double" TextSize ="Double" TileMode ="Integer" UCSORG ="FPoint" UCSXDir ="FPoint" UCSYDir ="FPoint" InsBase ="FPoint" Attmode ="Integer" />
Parameter Type Description
Name String Name string value
ACADVer String Header variable. The AutoCAD drawing database version number
CodePage String Header variable. Drawing code page
TextStyle String Header variable. Current text style name
CLayer String Header variable. Current layer name
CELType String Header variable. Entity linetype name, or BYBLOCK or BYLAYER
CEColor ColorCAD Header variable. Current entity color
CELTScale Double Header variable. Current entity linetype scale
CELWeight Double Header variable. Lineweight of new objects
DimStyle String Header variable. Dimension style name
DIMTXSTY String Dimension text style
DimAssoc Byte Associativity of dimension objects
DimAlt Boolean Alternate unit dimensioning performed if nonzero
DimAltF Double Alternate unit scale factor
DimAPost String Alternate dimensioning suffix
DimAsz Double Dimensioning arrow size
DimSah Boolean Use separate arrow blocks if nonzero
DimCen Double Size of center mark/lines
DimClrD ColorCAD Dimension line color
DimClrE ColorCAD Dimension extension line color
DimClrT ColorCAD Dimension text color
DimSD1 Boolean Suppression of first extension line
DimSD2 Boolean Suppression of second extension line
DimSE1 Boolean First extension line suppressed if nonzero
DimSE2 Boolean Second extension line suppressed if nonzero
DimDec Integer Number of decimal places for the tolerance values of aprimary units dimension
DimExe Double Extension line extension
DimExo Double Extension line offset
DimGap Double Dimension line gap
DimLFac Double Linear measurements scale factor
DimLwD Double Dimension line lineweight
DimLwE Double Extension line lineweight
DimPost String General dimensioning suffix
DimScale Double Overall dimensioning scale factor
DimTad Integer Text above dimension line if nonzero
DimZIN Integer Controls the suppression of zeros in the primary unit value.
DimTih Boolean Text inside horizontal if nonzero
DimTix Integer Force text inside extensions if nonzero
DimToh Boolean Text outside horizontal if nonzero
DimTxt Double Dimensioning text height
DimTp Double Dimensioning plus tolerance
DimTm Double Dimensioning minus tolerance
DimLUnit Double Sets units for all dimension types except Angular: 1 = Scientific; 2 = Decimal; 3 = Engineering; 4 = Architectural; 5 = Fractional; 6 = Windows desktop
DimDSep Double Single-character decimal separator used when creating dimensions whose unit format is decimale
DimFrac Integer Sets the fraction format when the DimLUnit system variable is specified as 4 (Architectural) or 5 (Fractional): 0 = Horizontal stacking; 1 = Diagonal stacking; 2 = Not stacked
EXTMIN FPoint Header variable. X, Y, and Z drawing extents lower-left corner (in WCS)
EXTMAX FPoint Header variable. X, Y, and Z drawing extents upper-right corner (in WCS)
FILLETRAD Double Header variable. Fillet radius
FILLMODE Boolean Specifies whether hatches and fills, 2D solids, and wide polylines are filled in, default True
LWDISPLAY Boolean Controls the display of lineweights
InsUnits Integer Header variable. Default drawing units for AutoCAD DesignCenter blocks
LTScale Double Header variable. Global linetype scale
Measurement Integer Header variable. Drawing units: 0 = English; 1 = Metric
PDMODE Integer Header variable. Point display mode
PDSIZE Double Header variable. Point display size
TextSize Double Header variable. Default text height
TileMode Integer Header variable. 1 for previous release compatibility mode; 0 otherwise
UCSORG FPoint Header variable. Origin of current UCS (in WCS)
UCSXDir FPoint Header variable. Direction of the current UCS X axis (in WCS)
UCSYDir FPoint Header variable. Direction of the current UCS Y axis (in WCS)
InsBase FPoint Header variable. Insertion base set by BASE command (in WCS)
Attmode Integer Header variable. Attribute visibility: 0 = None 1 = Normal 2 = All


Represents a SectionObjects in a Drawing Database.


<cstSectionObjects LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a SectionTables in a Drawing Database.


<cstSectionTables LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a Shape in a Drawing Database.


<cstShape LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Height ="Double" Rotation ="Double" WidthFactor ="Double" ObliqueAngle ="Double" Text ="String" Point1 ="FPoint" HAlign ="Undefined" VAlign ="Undefined" StyleName ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Height Double Height value
Rotation Double Rotation angle
WidthFactor Double Width factor for Style
ObliqueAngle Double Oblique angle
Text String Text string
Point1 FPoint 3D point defining entity
HAlign Undefined HAlign
VAlign Undefined VAlign
StyleName String Name of a Style


Represents a Solid in a Drawing Database.


<cstSolid LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" Point1 ="FPoint" Length ="Double" Angle ="Double" Point2 ="FPoint" Point3 ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Point1 FPoint 3D point defining entity
Length Double Length value
Angle Double Angle value
Point2 FPoint 3D point defining entity
Point3 FPoint 3D point defining entity


Represents a SortEntsTable in a Drawing Database.


<cstSortEntsTable LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a Spline in a Drawing Database.


<cstSpline LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" PointsCount ="Integer" Degree ="Double" StartTangentVector ="FPoint" EndTangentVector ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
PointsCount Integer Points count
Degree Double Degree value
StartTangentVector FPoint Start tangent direction point
EndTangentVector FPoint End tangent direction point

cstSpline accepts the following child atributes:
Parameter Type Description
ControlPoints FPoints2DOr3D List of Controls for spline and based entities
FitPoints FPoints2DOr3D List of Fits for spline based entities
KnotsPoints FPoints2DOr3D List of Knots for spline based entities
Weights Singles List of Weights for spline based entities


Represents a Style in a Drawing Database.


<cstStyle LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" WidthFactor ="Double" ObliqueAngle ="Double" TextGenFlags ="Integer" LastHeightUsed ="Double" PrimaryFont ="String" BigFont ="String" FontName ="String" FixedHeight ="Double" FontStyle ="Integer" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value
WidthFactor Double Width factor for Style
ObliqueAngle Double Oblique angle
TextGenFlags Integer Text generation flags for Style
LastHeightUsed Double Last used font height for Style
PrimaryFont String Primary font file name for Style
BigFont String Bigfont file name for Style
FontName String Font name
FixedHeight Double Fixed text heigh for Style
FontStyle Integer Font style


Represents a SVGMText in a Drawing Database.


<cstSVGMText LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" BlockName ="EntName" Extrusion ="FPoint" Angle ="Double" PScale ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
BlockName EntName Name of a Block
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Angle Double Angle value
PScale FPoint Scale factor


Represents a Table in a Drawing Database.


<cstTable LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a Text in a Drawing Database.


<cstText LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Height ="Double" Rotation ="Double" WidthFactor ="Double" ObliqueAngle ="Double" Text ="String" Point1 ="FPoint" HAlign ="Undefined" VAlign ="Undefined" StyleName ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Height Double Height value
Rotation Double Rotation angle
WidthFactor Double Width factor for Style
ObliqueAngle Double Oblique angle
Text String Text string
Point1 FPoint 3D point defining entity
HAlign Undefined HAlign
VAlign Undefined VAlign
StyleName String Name of a Style


Represents a Tolerance in a Drawing Database.


<cstTolerance LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" BlockName ="EntName" Extrusion ="FPoint" Angle ="Double" PScale ="FPoint" Height ="Double" StyleName ="String" BackgroundFlags ="ColorCAD" BackgroundColor ="ColorCAD" Scale ="Double" Transparency ="Boolean" RectWidth ="Double" Align ="Word" TextValue ="String" DimStyle ="String" DimClrD ="ColorCAD" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
BlockName EntName Name of a Block
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Angle Double Angle value
PScale FPoint Scale factor
Height Double Height value
StyleName String Name of a Style
BackgroundFlags ColorCAD Background fill setting: 0 = Background fill off, 1 = Use background fill color, 2 = Use drawing window color as background fill color
BackgroundColor ColorCAD Background color
Scale Double Scale value
Transparency Boolean Definition transparency for imageent
RectWidth Double Width of a rectangle
Align Word Align
TextValue String Text string value
DimStyle String Header variable. Dimension style name
DimClrD ColorCAD Dimension line color


Represents a Trace in a Drawing Database.


<cstTrace LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" Point1 ="FPoint" Length ="Double" Angle ="Double" Point2 ="FPoint" Point3 ="FPoint" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Point1 FPoint 3D point defining entity
Length Double Length value
Angle Double Angle value
Point2 FPoint 3D point defining entity
Point3 FPoint 3D point defining entity


Represents a Vertex in a Drawing Database.


<cstVertex Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Point ="FPoint" Bulge ="Double" StartWidth ="Double" EndWidth ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Bulge Double Vertex bulge value
StartWidth Double Start width for a segment
EndWidth Double End width for a segment


Represents a Viewport in a Drawing Database.


<cstViewport LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" PSpaceCenter ="FPoint" MSpaceCenter ="FPoint" ViewDirection ="FPoint" ViewTarget ="FPoint" PSpaceWidth ="Double" PSpaceHeight ="Double" FrontClipPlane ="Double" BackClipPlane ="Double" MSpaceHeight ="Double" ViewTwistAngle ="Double" Scale ="Double" TurnsOff ="Boolean" StatusField ="Integer" ThisID ="Integer" ClippingBoundaryHandle ="Handle" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
PSpaceCenter FPoint Viewport center point on layout
MSpaceCenter FPoint Viewport model view area center point
ViewDirection FPoint Viewport view direction vector (in WCS)
ViewTarget FPoint Viewport view target point (in WCS)
PSpaceWidth Double Viewport width on layout
PSpaceHeight Double Viewport height on layout
FrontClipPlane Double Viewport front cut off plane
BackClipPlane Double Viewport back cut off plane
MSpaceHeight Double Viewport model view area height
ViewTwistAngle Double Viewport view twist angle
Scale Double Scale value
TurnsOff Boolean Turns the viewport off
StatusField Integer Viewport status field
ThisID Integer Viewport ID
ClippingBoundaryHandle Handle Handle of an entity that serves as a clipping boundary for the Viewport


Represents a Viewport in a Drawing Database.


<cstViewport LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" PSpaceCenter ="FPoint" MSpaceCenter ="FPoint" ViewDirection ="FPoint" ViewTarget ="FPoint" PSpaceWidth ="Double" PSpaceHeight ="Double" FrontClipPlane ="Double" BackClipPlane ="Double" MSpaceHeight ="Double" ViewTwistAngle ="Double" Scale ="Double" TurnsOff ="Boolean" StatusField ="Integer" ThisID ="Integer" ClippingBoundaryHandle ="Handle" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
PSpaceCenter FPoint Viewport center point on layout
MSpaceCenter FPoint Viewport model view area center point
ViewDirection FPoint Viewport view direction vector (in WCS)
ViewTarget FPoint Viewport view target point (in WCS)
PSpaceWidth Double Viewport width on layout
PSpaceHeight Double Viewport height on layout
FrontClipPlane Double Viewport front cut off plane
BackClipPlane Double Viewport back cut off plane
MSpaceHeight Double Viewport model view area height
ViewTwistAngle Double Viewport view twist angle
Scale Double Scale value
TurnsOff Boolean Turns the viewport off
StatusField Integer Viewport status field
ThisID Integer Viewport ID
ClippingBoundaryHandle Handle Handle of an entity that serves as a clipping boundary for the Viewport


Represents a Vport in a Drawing Database.


<cstVport LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" CircleZoomPercent ="Integer" UCSOrigin ="FPoint" UCSXDir ="FPoint" UCSYDir ="FPoint" UCSVP ="Boolean" ViewAspectRatio ="Double" ViewCenterPoint ="FPoint" ViewDirection ="FPoint" ViewTarget ="FPoint" ViewHeight ="Double" ViewTwistAngle ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value
CircleZoomPercent Integer VPort circle zoom percent
UCSOrigin FPoint VPort UCS origin
UCSXDir FPoint Header variable. Direction of the current UCS X axis (in WCS)
UCSYDir FPoint Header variable. Direction of the current UCS Y axis (in WCS)
UCSVP Boolean Display UCS icon at UCS origin flag
ViewAspectRatio Double VPort view aspect ratio
ViewCenterPoint FPoint VPort view center point
ViewDirection FPoint Viewport view direction vector (in WCS)
ViewTarget FPoint Viewport view target point (in WCS)
ViewHeight Double VPort view height
ViewTwistAngle Double Viewport view twist angle


Represents a Vport in a Drawing Database.


<cstVport LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" CircleZoomPercent ="Integer" UCSOrigin ="FPoint" UCSXDir ="FPoint" UCSYDir ="FPoint" UCSVP ="Boolean" ViewAspectRatio ="Double" ViewCenterPoint ="FPoint" ViewDirection ="FPoint" ViewTarget ="FPoint" ViewHeight ="Double" ViewTwistAngle ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value
CircleZoomPercent Integer VPort circle zoom percent
UCSOrigin FPoint VPort UCS origin
UCSXDir FPoint Header variable. Direction of the current UCS X axis (in WCS)
UCSYDir FPoint Header variable. Direction of the current UCS Y axis (in WCS)
UCSVP Boolean Display UCS icon at UCS origin flag
ViewAspectRatio Double VPort view aspect ratio
ViewCenterPoint FPoint VPort view center point
ViewDirection FPoint Viewport view direction vector (in WCS)
ViewTarget FPoint Viewport view target point (in WCS)
ViewHeight Double VPort view height
ViewTwistAngle Double Viewport view twist angle


Represents a Wipeout in a Drawing Database.


<cstWipeout LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" PointsCount ="Integer" UVector ="FPoint" VVector ="FPoint" Size ="FPoint" Width ="Double" Height ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
PointsCount Integer Points count
UVector FPoint UVector for Wipeout and inherited entities
VVector FPoint VVector for Wipeout and inherited entities
Size FPoint Size of image for Wipeout/Ole2Frame and inherited entities
Width Double Width value
Height Double Height value


Represents a WipeoutVariables in a Drawing Database.


<cstWipeoutVariables LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Name ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Name String Name string value


Represents a Xline in a Drawing Database.


<cstXline LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Layer ="EntName" Color ="ColorCAD" HyperLink ="String" LineTypeScale ="Double" Point ="FPoint" Thickness ="Double" Extrusion ="FPoint" Point1 ="FPoint" Length ="Double" Angle ="Double" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
HyperLink String HyperLink
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Thickness Double Thickness
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
Point1 FPoint 3D point defining entity
Length Double Length value
Angle Double Angle value


Represents a Xref in a Drawing Database.


<cstXref LineWeight ="Double" Handle ="EntHandle" Flags ="Integer" LineType ="EntName" Box ="FRect" Name ="String" FileName ="String" />
Parameter Type Description
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Handle EntHandle Handle value
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
Box FRect Entity box
Name String Name string value
FileName String File name string


Parameter Type Description
ACADVer String Header variable. The AutoCAD drawing database version number
Align Word Align
AlphaBlend Integer AlphaBlend dependent on PathKey defines one of the entity visual representations
Angle Double Angle value
AngleFromXY Double Angle from plane XY
AngleInXY Double Angle in plane XY
AngularPrecision Double Angular precision of meshes and polylines
AngularTolerance Double Angular tolerance of modeller operations
Application Procedure Application
ArcDefPoint FPoint Point defining dimension arc for angular Dimension
Area Double Area value
AreaOOC Double Area value, for BREP topology
Arrowhead Boolean Specifies if arrowhead is present for Leader
ArrowSize Double Dimensioning arrow size
ArrowType Byte Arrow type for entities
Attmode Integer Header variable. Attribute visibility: 0 = None 1 = Normal 2 = All
Attribs List List of attributes
AttValue String Attribute or attribute definition value string
AxisX FPoint AxisX
AxisX2D F2DPoint Axis U vector 2D
AxisY FPoint AxisY
AxisY2D F2DPoint Axis V vector 2D
AxisZ FPoint AxisZ
BackClipPlane Double Viewport back cut off plane
BackgroundColor ColorCAD Background color
BackgroundFlags ColorCAD Background fill setting: 0 = Background fill off, 1 = Use background fill color, 2 = Use drawing window color as background fill color
BasePoint FPoint Base 3D point
BigFont String Bigfont file name for Style
BlockName EntName Name of a Block
BLOCKS List Blocks section
Boundaries List List of boundaries of a Hatch
Boundary List List of elements forming a boundary of a Hatch
BoundaryPolyline FPoints2DOr3D List of polyline points generated by boundaries of a Hatch
BoundaryPolylines List List of polylines generated by boundaries of a Hatch
Box FRect Entity box
Box3D FRect Box 3d dependent on PathKey defines one of the entity visual representations
Bulge Double Vertex bulge value
Calc Procedure Alternative creation method
CanShow Boolean Can show
CEColor ColorCAD Header variable. Current entity color
CELTScale Double Header variable. Current entity linetype scale
CELType String Header variable. Entity linetype name, or BYBLOCK or BYLAYER
CELWeight Double Header variable. Lineweight of new objects
CenterMass FPoint Center mass point, for BREP topology
CenterPoint FPoint 3D center point
CenterPoint2D F2DPoint 2D center point
CircleLength Double Length of a circle
CircleZoomPercent Integer VPort circle zoom percent
CLayer String Header variable. Current layer name
ClippingBoundaryHandle Handle Handle of an entity that serves as a clipping boundary for the Viewport
ClipRect FRect Entity clip rect
Clockwise Boolean Specifies if Helix is twisted clockwise
Closed Boolean Specifies if entity is closed
Code String Code
CodePage String Header variable. Drawing code page
Color ColorCAD Color specified with TsgColorCAD
ColorVector FPoint Color vector
ColSpacing Double Spacing for columns
ColumnCount Integer Number of columns
ControlPoints FPoints2DOr3D List of Controls for spline and based entities
CosAngle Double Cosine of the angle at the apex of the cone for cone surface or cone helix
Count Integer Number of members in list
CountU Integer Number of U-series of spline surface control points
CountV Integer Number of V-series of spline surface control points
CustomColor Color Color
Dash Double Dash element from list of elements for dotted lines
Data String Data
Deflection Double Deflection value
DefPoint FPoint Definition point for Dimension
Degree Double Degree value
DegreeU Double U degree value of spline surface
DegreeV Double V degree value of spline surface
DeltaX Double Delta X
DeltaY Double Delta Y
DeltaZ Double Delta Z
Description Color Description
DictValue String Dictionary value
DimADEC Integer Number of precision places displayed in angular dimensions
DimAlt Boolean Alternate unit dimensioning performed if nonzero
DimALTD Integer Alternate unit decimal places
DimAltF Double Alternate unit scale factor
DimALTRND Double Determines rounding of alternate units
DimALTTD Integer Number of decimal places for tolerance values of an alternate units dimension
DimALTTZ Integer Controls suppression of zeros for alternate tolerance values
DimALTU Integer Units format for alternate units of all dimension style family members except angular
DimALTZ Integer Controls suppression of zeros for alternate unit dimension values
DimAPost String Alternate dimensioning suffix
DimAssoc Byte Associativity of dimension objects
DimAsz Double Dimensioning arrow size
DimATFIT Integer Controls dimension text and arrow placement when space is not sufficient to place both within the extension lines
DimAUNIT Integer Angle format for angular dimensions
DimAZIN Integer Controls suppression of zeros for angular dimensions
DimBlk EntName Arrow block name
DimBlk1 EntName First arrow block name
DimBlk2 EntName Second arrow block name
DimCen Double Size of center mark/lines
DimClrD ColorCAD Dimension line color
DimClrE ColorCAD Dimension extension line color
DimClrT ColorCAD Dimension text color
DimDec Integer Number of decimal places for the tolerance values of aprimary units dimension
DimDLE Double Dimension line extension
DimDLI Double Dimension line increment
DimDSep Double Single-character decimal separator used when creating dimensions whose unit format is decimale
DimENBL Integer for internal usin
DimEX1LTY String Extension line 1 linetype
DimEX2LTY String Extension line 2 linetype
DimExe Double Extension line extension
DimExo Double Extension line offset
DimFrac Integer Sets the fraction format when the DimLUnit system variable is specified as 4 (Architectural) or 5 (Fractional): 0 = Horizontal stacking; 1 = Diagonal stacking; 2 = Not stacked
DimFXL Double Sets the total length of the extension lines starting from the dimension line toward the dimension origin
DimFXLON Integer Controls whether extension lines are set to a fixed length
DimGap Double Dimension line gap
DimJUST Integer Horizontal dimension text position
DimLFac Double Linear measurements scale factor
DimLIM Integer Dimension limits generated if nonzero
DimLRBLK EntName Arrow block name for leaders
DimLTY String Dimension line linetype
DimLUnit Double Sets units for all dimension types except Angular: 1 = Scientific; 2 = Decimal; 3 = Engineering; 4 = Architectural; 5 = Fractional; 6 = Windows desktop
DimLwD Double Dimension line lineweight
DimLwE Double Extension line lineweight
DimPost String General dimensioning suffix
DimRBlk EntName Arrow block name for leaders
DimRND Double Rounding value for dimension distances
DimSah Boolean Use separate arrow blocks if nonzero
DimScale Double Overall dimensioning scale factor
DimScaleOverall Double Overall dimensioning scale factor
DimSD1 Boolean Suppression of first extension line
DimSD2 Boolean Suppression of second extension line
DimSE1 Boolean First extension line suppressed if nonzero
DimSE2 Boolean Second extension line suppressed if nonzero
DimSOXD Integer Suppress outside-extensions dimension lines if nonzero
DimStyle String Header variable. Dimension style name
DimTad Integer Text above dimension line if nonzero
DimTDEC Integer Number of decimal places to display the tolerance values
DimTFAC Double Dimension tolerance display scale factor
DimTFILL Integer Controls the background of dimension text
DimTFILLCLR Integer Color numbers are displayed in the Select Color dialog box. For BYBLOCK, enter 0. For BYLAYER, enter 256.
DimTih Boolean Text inside horizontal if nonzero
DimTix Integer Force text inside extensions if nonzero
DimTm Double Dimensioning minus tolerance
DimTMOVE Integer Dimension text movement rules
DimTOFL Integer If text is outside extensions, force line extensions between extensions if nonzero
DimToh Boolean Text outside horizontal if nonzero
DimTOL Integer Dimension tolerances generated if nonzero
DimTOLJ Integer Vertical justification for tolerance values
DimTp Double Dimensioning plus tolerance
DimTSZ Double Dimensioning tick size
DimTVP Double Text vertical position
DIMTXSTY String Dimension text style
DimTxt Double Dimensioning text height
DimTXTALIGN Integer for internal using
DimTZIN Integer Controls suppression of zeros for tolerance values
DimUPT Integer Cursor functionality for user-positioned text
DimZIN Integer Controls the suppression of zeros in the primary unit value.
Direction FPoint Direction vector 3D
Distance Double Distance
EedList Procedure Eed List
Elevation FPoint Elevation value
EndAngle Double End angle value
EndParam FPoint End parameter for 2D Arc and inherited curves
EndPoint FPoint End point, can be used with 2D and 3D entities
EndTangentVector FPoint End tangent direction point
EndWidth Double End width for a segment
EntData StringInternal Entity data
ENTITIES List Entities section
ExtData StringInternal Extended data
EXTMAX FPoint Header variable. X, Y, and Z drawing extents upper-right corner (in WCS)
EXTMIN FPoint Header variable. X, Y, and Z drawing extents lower-left corner (in WCS)
Extrusion FPoint Extrusion direction point
FileName String File name string
FillColor ColorCAD Fill color specified with TsgColorCAD
FILLETRAD Double Header variable. Fillet radius
FILLMODE Boolean Specifies whether hatches and fills, 2D solids, and wide polylines are filled in, default True
FillStyleIndex Integer Fill Style Index
FitPoints FPoints2DOr3D List of Fits for spline based entities
FixedHeight Double Fixed text heigh for Style
Flags Integer Flags are not suggested for usage. They have different meanings for particular entities, most of them are represented also directly via other attributes.
FocalLength Double Parabola focal length value
FontName String Font name
FontStyle Integer Font style
FrontClipPlane Double Viewport front cut off plane
Frozen Boolean Specifies if Layer is frozen
FrozenByNewViewPort Boolean Specifies if Layer is frozen for new Viewports
GlobalWidth Double Global width value
GradientAngle Double Angle in gradient
GradientOneColor ColorCAD The first color for the gradient
GradientTwoColor ColorCAD A second color for the gradient
GradientUseCenter Boolean Gradient use center
HAlign Undefined HAlign
Handle EntHandle Handle value
HandleSave EntHandle Value for alternative access to a Handle
HatchName String Name of a Hatch pattern
HEADER List Header section
Height Double Height value
HelixStep Double Distance between adjacent turns of the helix curve
HyperLink String HyperLink
ImageDef Handle Handle of ImageDef object of Image entity
InsBase FPoint Header variable. Insertion base set by BASE command (in WCS)
InsertsCount Integer Inserts count
InsUnits Integer Header variable. Default drawing units for AutoCAD DesignCenter blocks
Interval String Interval of curve parameters
Interval1 String Interval of parameters for first curve
Interval2 String Interval of parameters for second curve
Interval2d String Interval of UV values
Interval3d String Interval of XYZ values
IsoLinesU Integer U IsoLines count
IsoLinesV Integer U IsoLines count
IsPlotting Boolean Specifies if this layer will be plotted
IsPrimary Boolean Edge representation is primary
IsSolid Boolean Specifies if pattern of a dotted line is solid
Item Procedure Item
Justify Integer Specifies justification type
Knot Double Knot value for spline based entities
KnotsPoints FPoints2DOr3D List of Knots for spline based entities
Kx Double Hyperbola real axis length value
Ky Double Hyperbola imaginary axis length value
LastHeightUsed Double Last used font height for Style
Layer EntName Name of a Layer
LayoutScale Color Layout units scale
LeaderPathType Integer Specifies if Leader path is spline
Length Double Length value
LinDefPoint1 FPoint Start point of the first extension line for Dimension
LinDefPoint2 FPoint Start point of the second extension line for Dimension
LineAngle Double Hatch line tilt angle
LinearPrecision Double Linear precision of meshes and polylines
LinearTolerance Double Linear tolerance of modeller operations
Lines List List of elements for dotted lines
LineType EntName Name of a LineType
LineTypeScale Double Scale for Line Type elements
LineWeight Double Line Weight in mm
Locked Boolean Specifies entity editability
LTScale Double Header variable. Global linetype scale
LWDISPLAY Boolean Controls the display of lineweights
MajorPoint FPoint End point of the major axis relative to the Center point for 2D Ellipse
MajorRadius Double Major radius value of torus
MatProp Double Material name
Measurement Integer Header variable. Drawing units: 0 = English; 1 = Metric
MiddlePoint FPoint Middle point of dimension text for Dimension
MinorRadius Double Minor radius value of torus
Mode Integer Mode for alternative creation method
ModelScale Color Model units scale
MSpaceCenter FPoint Viewport model view area center point
MSpaceHeight Double Viewport model view area height
Name String Name string value
Normal FPoint Normal vector 3D
OBJECTS List Objects section
ObliqueAngle Double Oblique angle
Offset FPoint 3D offset point
OriginalName String Original name, for BREP topology
PaperSpaceBlock EntName Layout name
ParamT Double Curve point parameter value
PathKey Handle Individual identifier of the visual representation of the modeler object
Pattern List List of elements of a Hatch pattern
PatternAngle Double Angle of lines in Hatch pattern
Patterns List List of patterns for Hatches
PatternScale Double Scale for Hatch pattern
PDMODE Integer Header variable. Point display mode
PDSIZE Double Header variable. Point display size
Perimeter Double Perimeter
Periodic Boolean Specifies if Spline based entity is periodic
plCurrentStyleSheet String pl Current Style Sheet
plDenominator Double pl Denominator
plFloatingPointScaleFactor Double pl Floating Point Scale Factor
plLayoutFlags Int64 Flags
plNumerator Double pl Numerator
plOrigin F2DPoint pl Origin
plPageSetupName String pl Page Setup Name
plPaperImageOrigin F2DPoint pl Paper Image Origin
plPaperSize F2DPoint pl Paper Size
plPaperSizeName String pl Paper Size Name
plPaperUnits Byte Enum
plPrintableMargin F2DRect pl Printable Margin
plPrintOrConfigName String pl Print Or Config Name
plRotation Byte Enum
plShadeCustomDPI Integer pl Shade Custom DPI
plShadeMode Integer pl Shade Mode
plShadeResolutionLevel Integer pl Shade Resolution Level
plStandardScaleType Byte pl Standard Scale Type
plType Byte Enum
plViewName String pl View Name
plWindowAreaMax F2DPoint pl Window Area Max
plWindowAreaMin F2DPoint pl Window Area Min
Point FPoint 3D Point defining entity
Point1 FPoint 3D point defining entity
Point2 FPoint 3D point defining entity
Point3 FPoint 3D point defining entity
PointsCount Integer Points count
PolylineLength Double Polyline length
Polypoints FPoints2DOr3D List of polyline points
PrimaryFont String Primary font file name for Style
Properties List Dimension style properties
PScale FPoint Scale factor
PSpaceCenter FPoint Viewport center point on layout
PSpaceHeight Double Viewport height on layout
PSpaceWidth Double Viewport width on layout
RadDefPoint FPoint Definition point for diameter, radius, and angular Dimensions
Radius Double Radius value
RadPt FPoint End point of the major axis relative to the Center point for Ellipse
Ratio Double Ratio of minor axis to major axis for elliptic entities or a two values ratio
Rational Boolean Specifies if Spline based entity is rational
RectWidth Double Width of a rectangle
Rotation Double Rotation angle
RowCount Integer Number of rows
RowSpacing Double Spacing for rows
Scale Double Scale value
ScaleFactor Double ScaleFactor
SegmentIndex Integer Segment index
Sense String Topological orientation
ShapesCount Integer Shapes count
SinAngle Double Sine of the angle at the apex of the cone for cone surface or cone helix
Size FPoint Size of image for Wipeout/Ole2Frame and inherited entities
SolidFill Boolean Specifies if a Hatch have solid filling
SolidsCount Integer Solids count
Start FPoint Start point for Helix
StartAngle Double Start angle value
StartParam FPoint Start parameter for 2D Arc and inherited curves
StartPoint FPoint Start point, can be used with 2D and 3D entities
StartTangentVector FPoint Start tangent direction point
StartWidth Double Start width for a segment
StatusField Integer Viewport status field
StyleName String Name of a Style
SubEntities List Sub entities list
TABLES List Tables section
Tag String Attribute or attribute definition tag string
Tangent FPoint Tangent vector 3D
Text String Text string
TextGenFlags Integer Text generation flags for Style
TextOverride String Dimension text explicitly entered by the user
TextRotation Double Dimension text rotation explicitly entered by the user
TextSize Double Header variable. Default text height
TextStyle String Header variable. Current text style name
TextValue String Text string value
Thickness Double Thickness
ThisID Integer Viewport ID
TileMode Integer Header variable. 1 for previous release compatibility mode; 0 otherwise
Transparency Boolean Definition transparency for imageent
TransparentColor Color Definition transparent color for imageent
TurnHeight Double Turn height for Helix
Turns Double Number of turns for Helix
TurnsOff Boolean Turns the viewport off
Type String Type
UCSORG FPoint Header variable. Origin of current UCS (in WCS)
UCSOrigin FPoint VPort UCS origin
UCSVP Boolean Display UCS icon at UCS origin flag
UCSXDir FPoint Header variable. Direction of the current UCS X axis (in WCS)
UCSYDir FPoint Header variable. Direction of the current UCS Y axis (in WCS)
UVector FPoint UVector for Wipeout and inherited entities
UVPoint F2DPoint UV Point
VAlign Undefined VAlign
Value Undefined Value
Vertex ListItem Vertex element
Vertexes List List of Vertexes
ViewAspectRatio Double VPort view aspect ratio
ViewCenterPoint FPoint VPort view center point
ViewDirection FPoint Viewport view direction vector (in WCS)
ViewHeight Double VPort view height
ViewTarget FPoint Viewport view target point (in WCS)
ViewTwistAngle Double Viewport view twist angle
Visible Boolean Specifies entity visibility
Visible3D Boolean Visibility dependent on PathKey defines one of the entity visual representations
Volume Double Volume value, for BREP topology
Volume Double Volume 3d dependent on PathKey defines one of the entity visual representations
VVector FPoint VVector for Wipeout and inherited entities
Weight Double Weight value for spline based entities
Weights Singles List of Weights for spline based entities
Width Double Width value
WidthFactor Double Width factor for Style
x Double x
XrefLink Boolean Specifies if entity is externally dependent on an xref
y Double y
z Double z


Type Description
Undefined Undefined value
Boolean Provides an enumeration of the logical True and False values
Byte Supports positive integers from 0 to 255. Occupies 8 bits of storage
Word Supports positive integers from 0 to 65535. Occupies 16 bits of storage
Integer Supports positive and negative integers. Includes 1 bit sign, and 31 bits value
Int64 Supports positive and negative integers. Includes 1 bit sign, and 63 bits value
Color Represents color values in range from -$7FFFFFFF-1 to $7FFFFFFF. The last 3 bytes represents R, G and B values correspondingly
Handle Direct Handle via $
Single Supports single-precision floating-point values
Double Supports double-precision floating-point values
Pointer Provides a general use pointer to any memory based variable
String Represents a string of chars, International alphabet
Point Represents a record holding X and Y integer values
F2DPoint Represents a record holding X and Y double values
FPoint Represents a record holding X, Y and Z double values
Rect Represents a record holding 2D rectangle integer values as either 4 coordinates or 2 points
F2DRect Represents a record holding 2D rectangle double values as either 4 coordinates or 2 points
FRect Represents a record holding 3D rectangle double values as either 6 coordinates or 2 points
Version Represents a record holding major version and minor version integer numbers
ColorCAD Complex type: [0: Index | 1: RGB; Value;]
EntHandle $handle or @handle
EntName String value representing an entity name
List Represents a list ob objects
ListItem Represents an object from a list
StringInternal String value for internal use
Base64 Represents binary data as string
Singles Represents list of Single values
FPoints2DOr3D Represents list of F2DPoint or FPoint
Procedure A method
Parameters List of parameters
Guid Represents a guid identifier
Class A Class
Class A Variant