New version of our PDF to DWG online converter
As we know how important the PDF to DWG conversion is for visitors of our website, we have decided to make the online converter better. Please welcome an updated and improved version of the service!
Now the converter page has a new concise design with a dynamic area where you can select your file and see the conversion progress.

If you forget about the size limitation or select another file format by mistake, you will see a notification message.

A link to a converted file appears right on the page, so you don’t need to enter your email address - just click the Download file button. Thanks to that you will get your converted file immediately and avoid any delays.

However, you still can send a file to your email if it is more convenient for you.
We hope that you will like the updated PDF to DWG converter. Feel free to contact us and share your thoughts or ask a question.
Best wishes,
CADSoftTools Team
Soft Gold Ltd.