ABViewer 14.1 released
ABViewer 14.1, the newest minor version of the software to handle 2D and 3D CAD files, is officially here and available for download. This update delivers support of new 3D file formats, new and improved features, interface changes and bug fixes. We hope you will enjoy it!
What’s new in ABViewer 14.1?
- Support of Parasolid formats (*.x_t, *.x_b) and SolidWorks formats (*.sldprt).
- Export to IGES, STEP and BREP file formats.
- Upgraded tool to measure the distance on a 3D model. Using it, you can get not only the distance between two points and height between two parallel surfaces, but also the distance between two circle centers or between two parallel edges.

- Saving of measurements performed on 3D models. ABViewer 14.1 enables to save all the measurements you made in a separate file and load them when necessary. Thus, you can save time and don’t measure the same 3D model twice.

- Saving of 3D section views. Now you can create a section view of your 3D model and save it as a new IGES, STEP, STL, OBJ or BREP file.
- Highlighting of 3D model edges created by a section plane. You can set the highlight color.

- Improved display of DWG and DXF files.
- New interface of G-code generation from DWG and DXF files. In the new version it is integrated into the main ABViewer window.

- Vectorization of raster images. Apart from PDF to DWG or DXF conversion, it is possible to convert data from raster files like JPG, PNG, BMP to editable entities.
- High-quality automatic regeneration of objects.
- Improved performance of the subprogram ‘Thumbnails’.
- Bug fixes.
Download the latest version of ABViewer and try it out right now. It is free for 45 days.
ABViewer (32-bit) ABViewer (64-bit)
If you currently have ABViewer 14, you can update your version free of charge. If you use an older version, you can buy the newest software release at a special upgrade price, just contact us info@cadsofttools.com.
Best wishes,
CADSoftTools Team
Soft Gold Ltd.